[demoreview #4: by popular demand................]
author(s): aardbei party: many! year: 2000 duration: 2'03'' ranked: 9th
author(s): aardbei party: many! year: 2000 duration: 2'03'' ranked: 9th
(As promised. Guys, this is going to be a tough one...)
"Rob is jarig" falls into the tradition of joke-demos, tradition present in the scene from ancient times, and saying this I'll probabily get eaten from the ones who consider "Rob is jarig" everything but a joke prod. Anyway. Probably the scene itself has its roots into the goliardic spirt of the first coders, that exchanged insults or act tough in the old c64 cracktros.
The main purpose of this demo was wishing "happy 19th birthday" to rob/aardbei (even this one is a scene tradition, with the various birthros, wedtros, etc.), but its popularity grew fastly, spreading virally into scene's undergrowth.
In the various demoscene meetings, in fact, starts to be a common custom singing and dancing (you know, "hete dens actie") on the "blues" riff of "Rob is jarig" when the demo is shown on the megascreen (or even in other moments).
Legends start to float around. Someone wispers that rob/aardbei has a misterious disease that forces him to stay 19 forever. Someone is even getting bored of "Rob is jarig". The remakes of "Rob is jarig" start to multiply. We count, among others, a 64k version, a "jumpstyle" version, a Gameboy Advance version (obviously cracked by Limp Ninja), an "introspective" version (design is jarig), and more, some mutated versions, where other scene species are celebrated (ryg is jarig).
Not happy with all of that, another scenic tradition begins, and "Rob is jarig" is released at as many parties as possible, and regularly disqualified.
"Rob is jarig" is a bit like "Second reality". No, really! It's the music that makes the demo, in "Rob is jarig".
Once you listen to it a couple of times, you can't get that out of your head, and you'll find yourself lowly humming "ja-rig, rob is ja-rig" everywhere, at the office, at the university. Forever. The rest of the demo is just dutch-color-scheme textures and the overabused radial blur. But aardbei can cite themselves, for sure.
Anyway, just turn your speakers out loudly, sing the riff and enjoy: you'll love "Rob is jarig". Gefeliciteerd.
Download "Rob is jarig" here.
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RispondiEliminano, no.. io sono sicuro... c'era un messaggio subliminale nella demo che e' apparo varie volte, tipo 5 ms.. si si... dai friol, decompila la demo e vedi che roba e'! LO SO!! SONO SICURO!!! L'HO VISTO!!!!!11111uno